Rental Options

Get your space reserved early, as our busy season is very near. The rental office is open Wednesday through Friday from 9am to 3pm and Saturday and Sunday from 7am to 4pm.   We have two rental options available at reasonable prices. 
For more information, please call 813.855.2587  or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Daily Table Spaces

These are partially covered outside areas roughly 12x25 space.  There is no long-term obligation, and these may be reserved in advance over the phone. Two 8’ tables are provided at no additional charge.

long-term monthly rentals

These are our long-term regular lockable booths which are rented on a monthly basis. You are required to be open Sat - Sun 9 am - 4 pm.

Vendor FAQ

Some helpful fact about our vendor rules. 


Security deposit is equal to the first months rent

booth access

Vendors have access to their booth 
Wed - Fri from 7 am - 5 pm

3 month minimum stay

weekday sale

Vendors can be open 
Wed  - Fri from 10 am - 2 pm


Vendors can park behind their booth Wed - Fri from 7 am - 5 pm


Vendors cannot sell adult-oriented or knock-offs/counterfeit merchandise

Vendor Map